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                          http://www.gamehacking.com            MM;
| •••••••• CES Is Proud To Present		     					|

*[Releaser's Nick		: Victor D. “Wolverine”
*[Name Of The Game	: The Sims Expansion Pack 1: Livin´Large/Livin´It
*[Version Of The Game	: 1.0 (unpatched/unupdated) & 1.1
  (patched/updated)universal: CD/ripped/cracked
  exes in the Internet and for all country   
*[Game Homepage		: http://thesims.ea.com/
*[Your Trainer Version	: 3.0
*[Number Of Options	: +5
*[Release Date		: 16 May2003
| •••••••• Instructions									|
The contents of the readme.rtf file will be updated in the CES forum 
(http://www.gamehacking.com/forum2); Game Hacking, Trainer Releases, 
topic The Sims series problems and answers as new expansions are released.
How to use this trainer:
1) Start the game, ALT TAB, start the trainer and then click the buttons or press the hotkeys, 
ALT TAB back to the game.
2) Start the game, ALT TAB, start the trainer,  ALT TAB back to the game, press the hotkeys.
	Hotkeys:            Actions:
    6          Mood Hack
    7          Super Sleep
    8          Money for new family
    9          Everyone is your friend
    0          Unlimited personality points for character creation
Options explained:
Mood Hack: Max satisfaction for Hunger/Hygiene/Bladder/Fun/Social/Room needs.
Hunger + Hygiene + Bladder + Fun + Social bars instead of decreasing as time goes by 
increase towards 100% and stay at 100%. During work time these bars may decrease 
but this is instantly corrected as you arrive at home, the bars increase towards 100% and stay at 100%.
Room bar although may not be at 100% always won't be as lower as it should be. 
If it isn't at 100% buy new stuff and sell/move the ones that are lowering the room level.
Super Sleep: Max satisfaction for Energy needs.
Take a nap/sleep during daytime (between 6:00 AM and 6:00 PM ) 
and your Energy bar will be at 100% instantly (instead of having to nap/sleep for several hours). 
You only have to nap/sleep/use bathtubs/sit enough time for the confort bar to increase.
Money for new family: When you create a new family, after creating all the family members 
and declaring you are done with creating them the family is given $20000 on the list of available families 
to select and move to the neighborhood, with this option you are given $9999999 instead, 
just activate this before you declare that you are done with creating the family members 
and proceed to listing the family in the list of available families to select and move to the neighborhood.
Everyone is your friend: All people you meet will become your friends automatically. 
When you go to neighborhood mode or load a game the number of friends that the game counts are the only 
that have at reached the friendship threshold of 50 (default value), just interact with another Sim 
(family member, pet or acquainted) and everybody will be your friend.
Infinite personality points for character creation: In the new family characters creation section 
you are given 25 points to distribute among 5 categories (NEAT; OUTGOING; ACTIVE; PLAYFUL; NICE) 
and each category can be given from 0 to 10 points each. A perfect Sim with all categories at maximum 
would need 50 points and you only have 25. By using this option, the number of available points 
to distribute among the 5 categories doesn’t decrease as you distribute them, 
making possible a perfect Sim. Enable this before distributing the points 
or even during the points distribution (if you have 0 points available, 
enable this option take one point from one of the categories, the number of points available 
increases to 1 and this is enough to maximize all categories with 10 points). To distribute the points 
click on the right of the NEAT / OUTGOING / ACTIVE / PLAYFUL / NICE bars.
Read everything bellow before reporting troubles.
•	Game Editions?
The Sims is a series of games, the order MAXIS released the expansion packs is as follows 
(this is also the order of install):
1) The Sims
2) The Sims Expansion Pack 1: Livin Large / Livin It Up
3) The Sims Expansion Pack 2: House Party
4) The Sims Expansion Pack 3: Hot Date
5) The Sims Expansion Pack 4: Vacation / On Holiday
6) The Sims Deluxe Edition (The Sims + The Sims Expansion Pack 1)
7) The Sims Expansion Pack 5: Unleashed
•	Game Versions + Update/Patch of a Game Edition?
1) When you install The Sims you get The Sims v1.0.
After you install the patch/update you get The Sims v1.1.
2) When you install The Sims EP1 you get The Sims EP1 v1.0.
After you install the patch/update you get The Sims EP1 v1.1.
3) When you install The Sims EP2 you get The Sims EP2 v1.0.
4) When you install The Sims EP3 you get The Sims EP3 v1.0.
After you install the patch/update you get The Sims EP3 v2.0.
5) When you install The Sims EP4 you get The Sims EP4 v1.0.
6) When you install The Sims Deluxe Edition you get The Sims Deluxe Edition v1.6.
After you install the patch/update you get The Sims Deluxe Edition v1.61.
7) When you install The Sims EP5 you get The Sims EP5 v1.7.
After you install the patch/update you get The Sims EP5 v1.71.
Notes: After you install the game always make a backup copy of the game exe 
(it's SIMS.EXE in the game directory) before overwriting it with a cracked exe.
Notes: To install the update/patch you have to copy the original exe back to the game directory 
and overwrite the cracked exe, update/patch the game. Why?
Because the update/patch doesn't create a new exe but modifies part of the code 
of the exe in the game directory, so it needs the original exe in that directory 
for the applying of the patch/update to be correctly done (only for The Sims, 
The Sims EP1; The Sims EP3, The Sims Deluxe Edition and The Sims EP5).
Notes: After you install the patch/update always make a backup copy of the game exe 
(it's SIMS.EXE in the game directory) before overwriting it with a cracked exe.
•	Cracked exes?
Cracked exes are exes that are unprotected, since you have the game it's perfectly legal 
to use and have then, there main advantage is when the CD/CDR/DVD drive 
don't let you play the game due to incompatibilities between the drivers 
of your CD/CDR/DVD and the SafeDisc protection.
Notes: ALWAYS install the game, make a backup up copy of the game exe (SIMS.EXE), 
download a cracked exe and overwrite the SIMS.EXE file in the game directory with the downloaded cracked exe.
Notes: If you want to patch/update the game read Game Versions + Update/Patch of a Game Edition?
Notes: Where to get them?
They are available at http://www.megagames.com/ + http://go.to/gamefix .  
•	Where is the game directory?
It's the directory where you installed the game, by default something like it's "C:\Program Files\Maxis\The Sims\"; 
look at the properties of the shortcuts to start the game within "Start Menu\Programs\Maxis\The Sims" 
or within "C:\Windows\Start Menu\Maxis" or look for the file SIMS.EXE in all hard drives.
•	Trainer Versions
1) The trainer version 1.0 was made in TASM.
Problems: you only had hotkeys and no buttons; the hotkeys were common with keys in the game; 
you needed to put the trainer in the game directory and initiate the game 
from within the trainer this lead to not being able to use the diagnostic tools commands in the command line, 
use shortcuts to start the game and making impossible to run the game at 1024x768.
2) The trainer v2.0 was made in TMK.
Problems: big zip files; XP problems reported.
3) The trainer version 3.0 was made in MASM.
The only difference is the coding the results are the same.
Notes: Trainer version 3.0 is available in CES at http://www.gamehacking.com/sites/trainers.php?cap=t  and also at:
http://www.trainerscity.com  .
•	Trainers and Game Editions?
"The Sims v1.0" +5 trainer is only for "The Sims v1.0".
"The Sims v1.1" +5 trainer is only for "The Sims v1.1".
"The Sims EP1 v1.0+v1.1" +5 trainer is for both "The Sims EP1 v1.0 and v1.1".
"The Sims EP2 v1.0" +5 trainer is only "The Sims EP2 v1.0".
"The Sims EP3 v1.0" +5 trainer is only "The Sims EP3 v1.0".
"The Sims EP3 v2.0" +5 trainer is only "The Sims EP3 v2.0".
"The Sims EP4 v1.0" +5 trainer is only "The Sims EP4 v1.0".
"The Sims EP5 v1.7" +5 trainer is only "The Sims EP5 v1.7".
"The Sims EP5 v1.71" +5 trainer is only "The Sims EP5 v1.71".
Notes: There isn't any trainer made by me for The Sims Deluxe Edition because 
it's only The Sims + The Sims Expansion Pack 1 so if you have The Sims Deluxe Edition 
and want a trainer, get and install The Sims Expansion Pack 5 because 
I already made a trainer for The Sims Expansion Pack 5: Unleashed (this is easily understood 
by looking at the order of release of Game Editions and the Trainer Versions and Game Editions list).

•	Help with other problems: .

*Team Greetz

• Olivier • CES Members • Ex-CES Members • DLH • IRC visitors • Forum Visitors! •

*Personal Greetz

- DLH – CES – Extalia

*Contact Info

-E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
-Homepage: http://members.fortunecity.com/victordwolverine 
-CES HomePage		: http://www.gamehacking.com 
-CES Chat Room		: #GameHacking Channel On The Efnet Network

*General Info

A "trainer" is a third-party program that is designed to alter memory locations of running programs (games). 
In order for a trainer to work, it must be running simultaneously with the game it was written for. 
Do not close the trainer until you are finished playing the game. Since trainers are written 
to alter Specific memory locations, they usually only work with specific versions of the game. 
This is the most common problem when trainers seem to be "not working".

CES is searching for experienced members who like working in a unified
team, so if you think: 'Hey ! That fits to me', visit our webpage,
inform yourself about CES and get in touch with us ASAP.


This program has been tested and provided to you "AS IS", 
meaning we do not take any responsibility for anything you do with it. 
It has been tested and should work perfectly on your system.

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|		CES - 'If it's in the game, it's in the Release'		|