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                 Titan Quest Immortal Throne +13 Trainer
                     TARGET = Unleashed Release 
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1. Double click trainer.exe to run (you can do this from anywhere)
2. Load game
3. Use the option keys below 

        Toggle       OPT.No.   TRAINER HOTKEY AND DESCRIPTION           
        ^^^^^^       ^^^^^^^   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^           
         YeS            1       F2  - Infinite Health                   
         YeS            2       F3  - Infinite Energy                  
         YeS            3       F4  - Infinite Gold  *Read Notes       
         YeS            4       F5  - Infinite Skill Points            
         YeS            5       F6  - Infinite Attribute Points        
         YeS            6       F7  - Mouse over Death *Read Notes     
         YeS            7       F8  - Speed                            
         YeS            8       F9  - No Skill Recharge  *Read Notes   
         YeS            9       F10 - Enemy Slow Motion  *Read Notes   
         YeS           10       K Key  - MEGA Level Up   *Read Notes   
         YeS           11       F11 - SAVE    Position   *Read Notes   
         YeS           11       F12 - RESTORE Position   *Read Notes   
         YeS           12       T Key -TELEPORT          *Read Notes   
         YeS           13       F Key -FREEZE ATTACKERS  *Read Notes   
       USAGE INSTRUCTIONS:                                            
       F2  - Infinite Health                                           
       No surprises here , You Dont Die                                
       F3  - Infinite Energy                                           
       Make all the energy uses you want it will not run down          
       F4  - Infinite Gold                                             
       Bring up your character info hud and hit the F4 key                                                     
       it will add 50000 to your gold each time you hit the key.       
       This  way  you can continue to get your gold from enemies and   
       treasure boxes                                                  
       F5  - Infinite Skill Points                                     
       This option gives you unlimited amounts of Skill Points         
       It Will set the amount at 999999  and stay there                
       F6  - Infinite Attribute Points                                 
       This option gives you unlimited amounts of Attribute Points     
       It Will set the amount at 999999  and stay there                
       F7  - Mouse over Death                                          
       When This option is enabled it will either Zero the enemy       
       Health or kill them outright                                    
       F8  - Speed                                                     
       Run through the game at a higher rate of speed ,                
        F9  - NO Skill Recharge                                        
       Ok , after pressing this option the time you have to wait       
       before you use the skill again will no longer be there          
       So you can use  the skills as often as you want with no wait    
        F10 - Slow motion                                              
       Ok ,Enemies will attack in slooooowwwww motion,so then you can  
       Pick them off at your will                                      
       K-KEY - Mega Level Up                                           
       Right,once enabled will give you super MEGA  Level up           
       Hit somebody,get some points and you will level up to the max   
       F11 Save your position                                          
       Probably the best option in the whole trainer !                 
       Use this key to save your position in the game at any time      
       Example: your talking to a dude who is going to send you on a   
       Quest,Save your position,this will come in handy when you have  
       accomplished it and want to get back to the dude                
       F12 Restore your position                                       
       This will restore your SAVED position and return you back       
       to anywhere in the  map ,no need to spend forever getting back  
       Hint:Rememeber the dude who sent you on a quest..               
       hit Restore to return directly to the spot where you saved      
       Note: If you travel miles away from your save and into          
       numerous villages far away ,you may experiance a slight         
       pause in the game ,while your position is recalibrated          
       T-KEY - Teleport                                                
       Oki-Doki! To use this option all you have to do is choose       
       a place where you can highlight something..anything that when   
       you place your mouse over it,it shows a highlight               
       Example:you Mouse over an enemy what is in the valley below     
       Normally getting to this valley would mean a long long way round
       Steady your mouse over your target and press the T-key          
       You will be Teleported to your target                           
       Such targets for example are treasure boxes,Enemies,etc         
       F-KEY - Freeze Attackers                                        
       Any Monster/whatever what turns to attacks you will freeze      
       So you can pick them off at your whim                           
       Note  : while this is enabled ,any special character you        
       enabled will also be affected and subject to it                 