What can you do with AC:WW Maxmap Editor?
* Water your flowers and remove weeds automatically
* Save your map and restore it whenever you want!
* Modify your character: face, hair style and colour and tan!
* Take advantage of unused players and use their patterns (see image)
* Delete neighbors
* See friendship with neighbors

Please read the readme file and make a backup of your savefile before using it!

=          AC:WW Maxmap Editor v1.1          =
=                                            =
=  by Marc Robledo (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)  =

  1. What\'s AC:WW Maxmap Editor?
  2. Features
  3. Instructions
    3.1. Recovering maps
    3.2. Changing your face
    3.3. Neighbors
      3.3.1 Names
    3.4. Making big carpets
  4. Compatibility
  5. History
  6. Credits

1. What\'s AC:WW Maxmap Editor?

It\'s an Animal Crossing: Wild World (NDS) save editor.
It won\'t let you add free money or create items, because I
think that the point of Animal Crossing is getting your own
money and complete the catalog by yourself.
Instead of that, my program will let you modify cool things
that seemed impossible until today :)

2. Features

What can you do with AC:WW Maxmap Editor?
* Water your flowers and remove weeds automatically
* Save your map and restore it whenever you want!
* Modify your character: face, hair style and colour and tan!
* Create big carpets for your town
* Delete neighbors
* See friendship with neighbors


First of all, you should do a backup of your savefile.
I tested all options and combinations on my program, but it
can still damage your play. So be careful!
And also, you need .NET Framework v1.1.
When you execute Maxmap Editor you are prompted to open a
file (your savefile). After it, the main window will appear.
Automatically, your flowers will be watered and your weeds
will be removed too.
When you are ready doing changes, you must click on the

3.1. Recovering maps

You got a \'perfect town\' sometime ago and you stopped playing
AC:WW because you were tired of it, now your town has no
flowers and it\'s full of weeds.
The save/load map feature of Maxmap Editor will help you to
recover your town.
When you have a good town save the map, it will create a
.acwwmap file. This file includes information about:
* The whole town (river, rocks, museum, shops...)
* Location of your house
* Location of neighbors\' houses
* All your trees and flowers
* Location of your carpets
It won\'t save any item information. This means that you can
load maps of other towns (it will change your town completely)
and keep your items and neighbors!
Sometimes items will have to be moved to the left of your map
on free spaces if the map you loaded has a building where
the item was before. And remember that some neighbors will be
forced to move his house too.

3.2. Changing your face

With the character editor on the top right corner you can
edit the following:
* Face
* Hair style
* Hair colour
* Tan
You can do cool things like get a girl face even if you are
a boy or get a tan even on winter!
You can change your hair style/colour too, but you can already
do that on the game. Some people doesn\'t know that you can
get the opposite gender hair styles somehow ;) But main
problem is that you can only do that once per day, with Maxmap
you can do it whenever you want.

3.3. Neighbors

What can you do with your neighbors?
* Delete them!
* See his/her friends
If you delete a neighbor, you will have an empty space for a
new neighbor. AC:WW has a queue of animals (it\'s generated
randomly when you first create your town). If you make an
empty space, the first animal on that queue will go to your
town. You must wait 24 hours for that.
I made this because I hate some animals >:) But also because
when I get a picture of a neighbor I don\'t need him/her
anymore. Now I delete animals when I get their pictures.
If you click on the Friends buttons, you will see all his/her
friends. Every friend has a friendship number, if this number
is above 110 (approximately) then you are ready to get his/her

3.3.1 Names

Maxmap Editor shows the animal names in English. If you want
to see the names in your language, simply modify the
ENGLISH.TXT and translate the names. Then rename that file as
ANIMALS.TXT. I have an example of SOME NAMES translated into
Spanish (SPANISH.TXT). I\'d like to receive mails with
translated names... ;)

3.4. Making big carpets

And now... The coolest thing of Maxmap Editor!
After some investigation and testing, I discovered a bug on
AC:WW that will give you more empty pattern spaces.
Every player has 8 customized patterns (you can edit them
in Able\'s Sisters). With Maxmap Editor you can even use
the patterns of the unused characters.
For example, my savefile has only two players, then I have
two unsued players: 8x2: 16 patterns that I can use for
making big carpets.
You must select an empty character on Maxmap Editor, then
import a pattern on any empty space. You will see the pattern
in your screen.
Then, simply click on a empty spot in the map and you will
put that pattern as a carpet. If you click on a pattern (cyan
spot) you will remove it again.
And if you use your right button, you can see what pattern is
on the ground.
You can also export a pattern if you want to save your
patterns in your computer.
Unfortunately, if you have 4 characters on your town, you
won\'t be able to use this feature.
Also, if you want to do big carpets, you should split
your image into 32x32 pixels images and then use Thulinma\'s
Pattern Editor to convert them into .acww pattern files.

4. Compatibility

AC:WW Maxmap Editor should work with these savefiles types:
*G6/G6 Lite
*M3 Simply
*and some more...
If your card isn\'t supported, you can use this program:
and convert it to a supported format.

5. History

22th june 2008
- First version

6. Credits

Thanks to Thulinma, thanks, thanks, thanks for teaching me
how the checksum fixing works :)
Please visit:
If you want to create big carpets with Maxmap Editor.

You surely discover a lot of errors on my program, so send
me an e-mail and I\'ll try to fix them.

Oh... And sorry for my bad english ;)