Set Gold:
Write not too much Gold in this Textbox, or the Trainer will crash.

999t Warehouse:
This option only takes effect, when your goods change its amount.

Instant Sultan\'s Cinfidante:
Activate this option and go to Grand Vizier Al Zahir.(Make sure, that you have at 
least 1t of any good on your ship)
Then go to my Trainer(Shipeditor) and write into the \"Special Item ID\" Textbox the ID
\"8448\" without \"\".
Back to the game and give Grand Vizier your gift ;)

You can only CHANGE Goods/Items on you selected (last selected) ship.
It is not possible to create Goods/Items!
So make sure you have goods or items on your ship.

Shipeditor Special Item:

With this option you can change your goods to ANY Item, e.g. Questitems, epics, Seeds, Construction plans .....
Just write the Special ID into the \"Special Item ID\" Textbox and press ENTER.

I\'ve made a smal list with some Item-ID\'s.
I have no time to complete this list because there are more than 500 Items.
But i know that the Items are between ID 8001 and 8750, so just have a look there.

The easiest way looking through the ID\'s is to start Anno windowed and press the
\"Increase Item ID\" button.

You can find me at