Virtual Pool 3 No-CD Patch Instructions

  1. Install the game from the original CD

  2. Get a SafeDisc-cracked version of VP3.EXE, either by letting run
     Risc\'s UnSafeDisc v2.x over the installed file or downloading a
     patched one at

  3. Replace the old VP3.EXE by the patched one

  4. Go to the installation path and create the following directories:
       md \\ad
       md \\ad\\movie

  5. Copy the content of the movie-directory from CD-ROM to ...\\ad\\movie:
       copy :\\movie\\*.* \\ad\\movie

  6. Copy VP3NOCD.EXE to the installation path and start it THERE

  7. Additional note:
     To save hard disk space, replace all .mpg files with shorter ones.
     VP3 needs all files to be available else it crashes!

  8. Additional additional note:
     VP3NOCD.EXE works on every SafeDisc-cracked version. It uses a
     search/replace algorithm instead of patching by constant file offsets.

  9. Additional additional additional note:
     This patch is quick and dirty. A known bug is that a patched VP3.EXE
     won\'t run properly on computers without floppy disk a: installed! ;)

 Good luck!

  <<<<< Patch and Manual done by NNCI on 06.03.2001 >>>>>

 Files    : 2, NeW:06.03.01, oLD:06.03.01
 uL Node : 1, NFo:NONE, D?Z:NONE