SWOTL files to "update" v2.1 to v2.2
 These *.OVL and *.EXE files will make
SWOTL version 2.1 into 2.2, (included
in the ACC set). This version will now
function better on "fast" (486-586) CPUs
and includes an "improved" Joystick
routine.  Also, the "Code Wheel" has
been eliminated in this version.  You
MUST have version 2.1 (from one of the
SWOTL add-on plane disks) to use these.
 DiZ FiLë FÿcKëD CHeaTeRS.DK
  Files    : 14, NeW:NONE, oLD:NONE
 uL Node  : 1, NFo:NONE, D?Z:21.07.93