°±²ÛÛ     BOPPIN v1.1 UPDATE!     ÛÛ²±°
This file is for ed owners of the
Apogee game "Basic Boppin v1.0" ONLY!! This
file will update your ed copy of
Basic Boppin v1.0 to v1.1.  If you have the
ed Super Boppin v1.0, you need a
different file.  If you have shareware, this
will do nothing for you.  -- Apogee
 DiZ FiLë FÿcKëD CHeaTeRS.DK
  Files    : 10, NeW:23.04.97, oLD:10.12.94
 uL Node  : 1, NFo:NONE, D?Z:10.12.94